Sorry to keep you waiting! Miss Banana wants to give every person who is being painted the BEST POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE, and when you are next in line, you will be given the same love and care! <3
Speaking of waiting, do you realize that all creation waited for thousands of years for the Messiah to finally be born? And now, finally, you and I are blessed to live at the time when THE WEARY WORLD REJOICES!!! King Jesus has come, fully God and fully man, bringing salvation to all who repent and put their faith in him.... "And that's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."
But waiting in line for a face painter can be tough stuff, especially for littles... So here are some ideas to help pass the time...
Ideas for Waiting in Line Games...
How about a round of "I SPY"? “I spy, with my little eye, something…RED!” Or “I spy something that rhymes with….” or “something that starts with C.” Or you might try a game of "WOULD YOU RATHER..." by asking a few of these Christmas themed questions and sharing your reasons for picking what you picked...
Would you rather spend Christmas in the snow or on the beach?
Would you rather have no Christmas or no Birthday?
Would you rather go snowmobiling or husky dog sledding?
Would you rather be a tester of Christmas toys or a taster of Christmas foods?
Would you rather eat 100 Chocolate coins or 20 candy canes?
Would you rather get a hippopotamus for Christmas or a Partridge in a Pear Tree?
Would you rather have a tummy like a bowl full of jelly or a nose like a cherry?
The "ALPHABET GAME" goes through the alphabet on a particular subject... Say the subject was Christmas. The first person might say "Advent" the second could say "Bethlehem," and the third "Christmas"... all the way through your ABCs. The "CHAIN GAME" does the same thing, except not in alphabetical order. The next word should start from the last letter in the previous word... so "Advent" then "Tree" then "Evergreen" then "Nativity..." and so forth.
If you're a math loving family, you might like to learn how to play "CHOPSTICKS"... you only need your fingers and your brains to play, so once your family learns, you have a game for any time and any place. Or take "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS" to the next level with "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS LIZARD SPOCK".
Finally, a few FREE CHRISTMAS GIFTS...
To make your Christmas more merry please download free copies of Miss Banana's 24 Days Till Christmas Coloring Book & Advent Devotional, a Christmas Family Fun Page, and some Christmas Carols to sing! Jesus the King is born... what could be better??!?
* Questions for "Would You Rather" inspired by jollyfestive.com/christmas-would-you-rather/
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